After 8 years of crafting next generation's web design tools, UI Kits, Admin Dashboards and Mobile App Templates, we decided to write this UI/UX book guide based on our experience.
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experience hours272
chaptersSee more details about each part of the book and what you will learn.
Get free previewFrom hieroglyphs to glassmorphism, the first part of the book will help you better understand which events have substantially impacted the history of design, the evolution, and the trends over time until today.
In this part, you will better understand UI Design and UX Design concepts, what each one works with, and the differences between them.
In this part, you will learn how to create elements such as buttons, inputs, shadows, color palettes, gradients, and more. You will also learn how to use icons or illustrations correctly.
All elements can create sections such as navbars, headers, features, cards, teams, tables, footers, and more. You will learn how to place the elements, what the "must- have" elements are, and what to avoid.
In this part, you will learn which sections should appear on different pages such as About Us, Profile Page, E-commerce, Blog Post, Rental Page, Sign In/Sign Up, Policies, or Admin Dashboard.
The last part contains details about the evolution of some websites that respect the design rules, have elements that adapt their design according to the trend, and present a positive User Experience.
Some thoughts from our readers.
"The bible for designers. A "must-have" book for any fellow who wants to reach more than an advanced level in UI/UX. Good job guys!"
"This here is the quintessence of design, a book that teaches developers and designers more than any tutorial/course would, and that is detail. Great stuff!"
"I always wondered how a small team from Romania, a country without an impressive entrepreneurial history, passed $5M+ in sales in only a few years. Success is never accidental and this book is the technical proof."
"After reading the book I must say that it's one of the best UI/UX learning resources that you can get your hands on if you're looking to expand your knowledge as a designer. The good vs bad examples are an efficient way to make you better understand good practices and prevent making common mistakes in this area. I definitely recommend adding this book to your reading list."
"This is definitely a must-read book for any person who wants to dig into the art of making professional websites, with lots of solid web-design fundamentals and extremely well written. The book covers also a lot of subjects including color and usability. I recommend all designers out there to read this book, it's a great experience exchange relation."
Hurry up to get the lowest price and kick-start you UI/UX journey now!
17th January 2022
1st February 2022
2nd February 2022
10th February 2022
1st March 2022
1st June 2022
272 pages Hardcover Book
272 pages in online format (PDF & EPUB)
Understand UI/UX design concepts
Learn best practices for creating UI/UX design elements
Understand the current web design trends
Learn how to create web pages using UI/UX elements
Access to examples with details - not a theory book, we use the power of images
Delivery starting from 1st September 2022
272 pages Hardcover Book
272 pages in online format (PDF & EPUB)
Understand UI/UX design concepts
Learn best practices for creating UI/UX design elements
Understand the current web design trends
Learn how to create web pages using UI/UX elements
Access to examples with details - not a theory book, we use the power of images
272 pages in online format (PDF & EPUB)
Understand UI/UX design concepts
Learn best practices for creating UI/UX design elements
Understand the current web design trends
Learn how to create web pages using UI/UX elements
Access to examples with details - not a theory book, we use the power of images
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